Saturday, December 1, 2012

The US Naval War College Just Posted my Article on Fuchida

Two years ago an article was published in the US Naval War College Review which accused Mitsuo Fuchida of egregious lies. I knew there was no truth in the article and eventually realized that if I didn't respond to this article with facts, no one would. So I wrote a response article and submitted it to the NWCR and they accepted it and published it here, entitled, "Parshall's 'Whoppers' Examined: Fact-Checking the Various Claims and Conlusions of Jonathan Parshall."


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I just finished reading your defense of Mitsuo Fuchida at the US Naval War College website. I had read of Mr. Parshall's charges that Commander Fuchida was not on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay and was disheartened initially to hear that charge. After reading your defense of Fuchida's character and integrity and memory I am inclined to believe that Mr. Parshall doesn't like Christianity or those, even great sinners like Fuchida, who convert to it and find peace. I will be looking forward to reading your book next year.

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Tony Held said...

Pretty well said, Martin!

Incidentally, it is *Genda*, not Fuchida, who argues for a second attack in "Tora! Tora! Tora!" and if Fuchida had a US Marine get in his face while lighting a smoke aboard the USS Missouri, it shows that ship security was on the job regarding one and all, including him.

BTW: Remember Pearl Harbor 71 years on, folks.

Anonymous said...

Any more books or movies about Mitsuo?

tinhat said...

Thank you so much for responding to the Parshall article. I have recently discovered the extraordinary life of Mitsou Fuchida and have been reading everything I can on him and his conversion to Christianity. When I came across the Parshall article I was surprised and confused but something didn't ring true, Parshall was to angry to be honest and subjective. Even the snide comments about wishing he could have had a beer with Fuchida were strange and off-base. Thanks again. I am looking foreward to reading your book in February.